Can Cats Eat Pancakes?


Pancake Day is here, but can we share our pancakes with our feline friends? At Love Cats Croydon, you know we are all about celebrating with our cats in a fun and safe way. So, can we make Pancake Day cat-friendly?

Well, pancakes aren't toxic to cats, but they're not particularly beneficial either. Cats are obligate carnivores, meaning they require a diet rich in animal-based proteins. So, introducing human foods like pancakes can disrupt their digestive system, potentially leading to vomiting and/or diarrhoea. Also BEWARE: ingredients commonly found in pancakes, such as milk, can be problematic since many cats are lactose intolerant.

BUT its not all doom and gloom - While its not the best idea to share your traditional pancakes with your cat, you could make some cat friendly alternatives…

  • Pumpkin Pancakes: Pumpkin is a safe and nutritious treat for cats, rich in fibre and vitamins. You could try to prepare small, plain pancakes using canned pumpkin (ensure it's pure pumpkin without added spices) and a bit of whole wheat flour. Cook thoroughly and serve in tiny kitty cat sized portions.

Or how about:

  • Protein Pancakes: You could try mini pancakes using ingredients like plain cooked chicken blended with a bit of water to form a batter. Of course, cook without any seasoning or additives.

NOTE: Always introduce new foods gradually and monitor your cat for any adverse reactions. **These are NOT VET APPROVED RECIPES, just fun suggestions for healthy cats with no special dietary requirements, allergies or intolerances.

Fun Fact: PANCAKE is a very popular cat name. There are plenty of cats out there named Pancake!  It’s a surprisingly popular name for our furry friends, often given to cats who love to lounge around like a fluffy, warm pancake on a lazy morning. If you have a cat called Pancake, we’d love to see their picture!

Did you know too, that other food inspired names are on the rise for our cats?  With a cat called Crumpet I can see why foodie names are gaining popularity!

(sources inc petmd / icatcare / reddit / trustedhousesitters)


Nita is the owner and founder of Love Cats Croydon - and your local, loving, professional Cat Sitter