Can Cats Eat Pancakes?
Pancake Day is here, but can we share our pancakes with our feline friends? At Love Cats Croydon, you know we are all about celebrating with our cats in a fun and safe way. So, can we make Pancake Day cat-friendly?
National Answer Your Cat’s Questions Day is more than just a quirky celebration; it’s a reminder to deepen your bond with your cat. By understanding their needs and improving how you communicate with them, you can create a happier, healthier environment for your feline friend. Passing that information on, helps your cat sitter understand them and bond too. Remember we only have a short time to get to know your fur baby, so if you know and understand their behaviours really well – it’s a huge advantage for us too!
Avoiding Stress-Mas and New Year
For our last guest blog of the year, the wonderful LISA SINNOT has shared some very helpful insights regarding cystitis in cats, and we hope it brings you some awareness to help you avoid a stress-mas for your kitty cats
Read to the end for our Black Friday deal…
In honour of Black Friday, our lovely cat sitter Esther has had a look into the history of Black Cats and why they have such a bad rep. Highlighting the most misunderstood of all cats, for Black (Cat) Friday this is what she’s found:
Often associated with bad luck, Cats Protection provides us with the startling statistic that black cats take 13% longer to rehome than their more colourful counterparts (as of 2018)
APRIL is National Pet Month
Did you know - April is National Pet Month, a month dedicated to raising awareness of responsible pet ownership.
What Happens When You Try and Brush Your Cats Teeth?
What happens when you try and brush your cats teeth? …Yeah me too. But I’m gonna let you into a little secret… they can do it themselves! AND it will be fun. What if I told you, you can help your cat with their oral hygiene while they play? What if I told you keeping your cats teeth clean can be fun and stree free?
Cat Safe Christmas
As festivities ramp up, things can get confusing, or overwhelming for the furbabies in your home. More people, different smells, plants/trees, lots of food, kids, noise…can all contribute to setting your cats usual routine off balance, plus lots of the things we LOVE at this of year, are actually not so good for our kitties, so here are our top tips for a happy cat and a cat safe Christmas this year:
As we get closer to Small Business Saturday, we thought it would be a good idea to highlight again WHY choosing a small local, loving cat sitting business (over a cattery, cat hotel, or a larger/international cat sit agency perhaps) is best!
Top 5 Tips to Ensure A Purrfectly Safe Halloween for Your Feline Friend
Top 5 Tips to Ensure A Purrfectly Safe Halloween for Your Feline Friend: As the spooktacular season of Halloween approaches, ensuring the safety of our beloved cat companions is paramount. As a dedicated cat sitter, it's not just about providing cuddles and treats - it's also about safeguarding your feline friend
Spooky Benefits of Feeding Your Cat Pumpkin
Have you thought about incorporating pumpkin into your cats diet? There are multiple benefits, so heres an idea for your left overs from the Halloween pumpkin carving!
Catmap out of lockdown
As we are well along the UK roadmap out of lockdown Love Cats Croydon has been looking at advice for cat owners to help their cats adjust to routines as they change
5 signs you REALLY Love Cats:
Its the last day of Feb - the month of Love (Cats) so here are our top 5 signs that cats are one of your true loves!
Top 5 New Years Resolutions for you…and your cat
Top 5 New Years Resolutions for your and your cat - because its never to late to make these…right?
COSY CATS: How to keep your cat happy during the winter weather
Cosy Cats - How to keep your cats happy during the winter months
Can you spot your cat?
Can you spot your cat? The Love Cats Croydon - The Croydon Cat Sitter client gallery is now live!
The Kitten Checklist
Inspired by the kittens we’ve met this week here is the Love Cats Croydon Cat Sitters top 10 list of things to bring home, before you bring home your new cat or kitten…anything we’ve forgotten?
International Cat Day 2020
Can we tell when a cat is happy? When it comes to cats, there is no ‘one size fits all’. All cats are individuals, with individual needs and circumstances. This year International Cat Day celebrates all cats and how to keep them HAPPY!
Going Away? Top 10 tips for your cats care:
With lockdown easing in most places around the world, travel plans are starting to re-emerge. The excitement of a trip can sometimes be tinged with anxiety when thinking about leaving your cat at home. So make sure you and your kitty are ready, with the following checklist: How to prepare for your cat’s care before going away.