Top 5 Tips to Ensure A Purrfectly Safe Halloween for Your Feline Friend

As the spooktacular season of Halloween approaches, ensuring the safety of our beloved cat companions is paramount. As a dedicated cat sitter, it's not just about providing cuddles and treats - it's also about safeguarding your feline friend (during the festivities and otherwise). Here's how we at Love Cats Croydon ensure a safe Halloween visit for your cats, along with some valuable tips for you as cat owners to implement at home:

black cat with halloween pumkins

1. Familiar Environments: Upon entering your home, we ensure a calm and soothing environment for your feline friend. Keeping the atmosphere serene helps alleviate any stress induced by unusual activities outside.

2. Safe Hideouts: We ensure that your cat has easy access to their safe spaces, whether those are high up, or just cozy spots in their fave room of the house. This will help them feel secure and during any unexpected noise or disturbances, they can retreat to their space.

3. Secure Entrances: We will as usual double-check all entrances and windows to ensure they are securely closed. Halloween can bring numerous trick-or-treaters, and we don’t want any curious cats wandering outside amidst the hustle and bustle. If you would prefer we keep cats indoors who usually go outside, please just let us know through Halloween and Bonfire Night – we will ensure cat flaps are locked and secure so they stay inside on these visits.

4. Cat-Safe Treats: Please feel free to leave your cats favourite treats ready.  We are always happy to pamper your feline friend during the visit. This not only strengthens our bond but can keep them distracted from any unsettling outside commotion.

5. Consistent Routines: Maintaining your cat's regular feeding and playtime schedule is crucial. Consistency provides a sense of comfort and stability, making them less susceptible to stress or anxiety triggered by the unusual Halloween activities, so we will of course visit at times specified to coincide with the regular feeding hours.

ginger cat in witches hat cat halloween costume

AND IF WE’RE NOT VISITING THIS HALLOWEEN here are some tips for you as owners to keep your kitties happy, safe and stress free:

1.     We would suggest keeping your cat indoors during Halloween (and bonfire) night to prevent them from getting spooked and running away.

2.     In case your cat does escape, this is a good time of year to ensure they have proper identification, such as a collar with an ID tag or a microchip. This significantly increases the chances of a safe return in case they wander off. CHECK THEIR CHIP.  I always check my fire alarm batteries before bonfire night and check my cats chip annually before Halloween.  *TOP TIP: If you have recently moved or adopted a cat already chipped, ensure they are registered to your current address!

3.     While dressing up your cat might seem adorable, it can cause distress and discomfort. Avoid any costumes that restrict their movement or vision, and always prioritize their comfort over a spooky ensemble.

4.     Create safe hiding spots within your home for your cat. Whether it's a cozy nook or a designated room, a safe space allows them to retreat during noisy or unsettling times.

5.     Keep all Halloween treats out of reach of your curious cat. Some treats, especially chocolate, can be toxic for them, so it's crucial to ensure they don't have access to any Halloween goodies.

With a little precaution and care, we can make this spooky season a delightful and stress-free experience for our beloved feline companions.  ANY OTHER TIPS AND TRICKS FOR YOUR CATS THIS HALLOWEEN – Let us know…


Nita is the owner and founder of Love Cats Croydon - and your local, loving, professional Cat Sitter



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